Monday, May 24, 2010

What type of turtle do I have?

I am a US soldier in Korea, and I have purchased a turtle on base, at a flower shop. The owner isn't great at English. I know we can not sell items on base from a different country, so I thought maybe you could help. They grow to 3 inches, (right now are 1.5 inches), shell is not boxed, very distinct yellow and green swirls on shell, yellow and dark green stripes on face and neck, stout nose, and a yellow underbelly with black markings under the base of the neck and tail. Please help me figure out the species of bait and speedy!

What type of turtle do I have?
It seems, from your description, that you have a Reeves turtle, which is native to Korea, as well as China and Japan. Congratulations. This is a popular and personable turtle.

Edit: Keep in mind that the Reeves turtle comes in a variety of colors, including the variety you've described. They grow to about five inches Max..

I've added a nice site with more info
Reply:how in the hell do i now??????????????????????
Reply:Map turtle? BUt a picture would get you a good you have a pic of the turt?
Reply:Your on osan right??? Yeah me too. They only sell three types of turtles at the flower shop. Reeves turtles, Yellow bellys, and Ouachita Map turtles. For pics to compare check out the link below its pictures of my turtles, I have 2 yellow Bellys and 2 Ouachita Maps. If you ever have questions or anything about the turtles hit me up on IM or Email. Oh and btw since you have yellow swirls, I don't think its a reeves turtle. it sounds like a yellow belly.....and they can grow up to 8 inches for males and 12 inches for females. The Ouachita maps are a bit smaller but not much. I bought all of mine the size of a quarter and 6 months later they are about 4 inches.

Reply:First of all, there is no turtle that stops growing at 3", unless it is mistreated.

Next, it could be almost anything. Here are some photos of 'exotic' turtles that might match up: Click on a species to see if they have photos of the babies listed.
Reply:sounds like some kind of map turtle or something of that sort but i am not sure
Reply:It might be a painted turtle? But I am pretty sure Painted Turtles grow to 6 inches, it may be a different kind of painted turtle.