to help decorate it and also more traffic for it.we are in a small town,and know most of the locals,but how do we get other people to look at it??..any help would b appreciated..thank u in advance
Trying to do a flower shop on myspace,and needing good ideas?
The trick for getting more traffic is to provide more content. Not just any content, though - it has to be targeted to a specific niche. In your case, that would have been 'valentine roses', or 'valentine flower gift baskets'.
MySpace is not the best place to do this. It's too cluttered, and gives prospects too much of a chance to go elsewhere more interesting. No amount of eye-candy, unfortunately, is going to help that.
But, it's fantastic place to network and create traffic - just drive it elsewhere, using blog entries in MySpace, that contain key word phrases, but which reference your main site.
Finally, make sure you keep current and follow the keyword trends. That'll make sure that your content matches what people want to buy _when_ they want to buy it.
Go to it, and good luck. If you need more information, drop me a line.