where can I buy flowers?
How much money I need?
who can teach me of the do's and don'ts of the business?
Starting a Flower Shop business in the Philippines?
The Phil. Dept of Agriculture has a good industry overview of the cutflower industry http://www.da.gov.ph/agribiz/cutflower.h... . This FAO document http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/ac452e/ac4... also discusses flower production in the Philippines, including a table of where the various types of flowers are best sourced.
For assistance, including floral suppliers, you may want to contact DA's Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service
http://www.da.gov.ph/agribiz/amas_mainpa... - they might be able to help you get in touch with the flower growers.
Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service
Department of Agriculture
Room 109 DA-OSEC Building
Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Telephone No.: (63-2) 920-2216, 920-4072/73
Fax No.: (63-2) 926-6434
Email: amas@da.gov.ph / da_aiis@yahoo.com
This agency also has a directory of cutflower producers groups and cooperatives that you can contact http://www.da.gov.ph/agribiz/cutflower_d... - contact these groups and I'm sure they'd be willing to sell their flowers to you
There is also a Federation of Cut flower and Ornamental Plant Growers that you may want to contact
As for starting a florist shop business, you may want to check out the article (it may not give you info on Philippines but an overview of the business) "Starting a Florist Shop Business" http://www.powerhomebiz.com/vol50/floris...
For detailed information on the florist business, here are some books that you may want to read:
- Start Your Own Florist Shop and Other Floral Businesses (Start Your Own …) (Paperback) by Cheryl Kimball
- FabJob Guide to Become a Florist (FabJob Guides) by Alisa Gordaneer
- How to Start %26amp; Manage a Retail Florist Business: A Practical Way to Start Your Own Business by Jerre G. Lewis
Reply:it's gonna b hard
Reply:Where you at? Are you in the Phils?
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