Monday, May 11, 2009

What will be the ethical code and rules for a flower shop?

Although I don't know if you're looking into opening up a floral shop (nor do I own a floral shop), I would presume that the general ethical code of professional conduct should be similar to those of most retail shops. You should start with a formal statement that summarizes your organization's core values on various ethical or social issues. Then make a list of what those issues are and specific procedures (such as verbal counseling, written counseling, how many times of verbal counseling before progressing to written, how many times of written counseling before progressing to employment suspension and ultimately, employment termination) on how to handle them, such as:

1. The definition of "quality" (for your products/services, the work environment setting, and the employees professional dress code).

2. Guidelines on how to determine if someone has violated a policy and what kind of corrective actions should be imposed.

3. Employment equality (gender, ethnic, religious beliefs, employees' equal number of sick hours and/or paid vacations, health insurance packages, etc) and mutual respect (what constitutes as "verbal assault" and "physical assault"; what type of language manner is unprofessional and should not be used with each other or with clients; etc).

4. What is the definition of "conflict of interest" (leaking company's confidential information), what circumstances constitute "conflict of interest," such as "acceptance of gifts."

5. Sexual harassment issues, policies, and procedure on how employees should report it, what kind of repercussions can result. (What constitutes as sexual harassment?)

6. Drug and alcohol usage right before or during job duties.

7. Attendance issues (what's acceptable and fair, your definition of "excessive absence," and how this "excess" can become unfair to other employees to take on the absentee's job duties).

8. Most of all, have an "Absolute No Retaliation" policy for those "counseled" or "suspended" or "terminated" employees to seek revenge on you, the owner/boss, or against other co-workers who reported them.

9. The details to Leave of Absence (LOA) and Family Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA) and Maternity Leave details (how long must an permenant-status employee must work before entitlement).

10. Research any additional laws, such as minimum wage requirements and Overtime Premium Pay requirements. Check out this site for the detailed Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA):

Hope this helps to narrow the topic down a bit.