Monday, May 11, 2009

Please tell me which name u like best for my new flower shop?

the names we currently have are

Bella Fiore (which means beautiful flower)

Fiore Della Vita Florist (flower of life) and

Ba-da BLOOM Florist

I am still taking suggestions if you have one to add, but these seem to be the favs.

We are located in a highly populated Italian community and I am also Italian.

The name must appeal to all ages and all occassions, weddings and funerals.

Any feedback will be appreciated. TIA!

Please tell me which name u like best for my new flower shop?
Bella Fiore is a beautiful name.

Fiore Della Vita Florist - too long and hard to remember

Ba-da BLOOM - funny, but might not be taken seriously

Other options:

Bella Blooms (combine Italian and English)

Bella Blossoms

Ciao Bella Blooms or Ciao Bella Blossoms (I love the word Ciao since it could mean "Hello" or "Goodbye", and who does'nt like to hear "Hello, beautiful"?

Amore Fiore or Fiore Amore

Flore Pleno (A botanical term describing a flower with extra petals)

Add the name of your neighborhood if it sounds good.
Reply:Bella Fiore sounds like a pretty, and upscale place. Where you would get ellagant flowers.

#2 is too muhc of a tongue twister

#3 is fun, it sounds more like a "every day person" flowershop. You would think the flowers would be resonable priced, if that makes sense. haha

I like #1, but #3 sticks in your head... which is kind of what you want. You want people to remember your store.

EDIT Ps... I'm not sure how things work where you are, but make sure East Side Mario's doenst have any claim on the Saying in any sense. Like toysRus... the kids store (not sure if they have them where you are..) but they have the legal rights to the backwards "R" in their name... so check that out if you decide to go with #3
Reply:I like Bella Fiore. It is classy and has a name that will appeal to many different age groups. Ba-da BLOOM is cute and would be great if you specialized in a quirky, fun stlye of arrangements. However, I would not order my funeral flowers from there.
Reply:Ba Da Bloom is hilarious and memorable. Very clever! In marketing, this gives you an edge over your more traditionally named competition. Kudos to whomever thought of the name. Really great.
Reply:I like Bella Fiore the best. It sounds beautiful and pleasing to the ear. I think the second name would be hard to remember. And I don't like the last one at all. Good luck!
Reply:i like the sound of Bella Fiore, I'm not Italian but sounds good to me, as long as no one else has that name. Good luck with your new shop.
Reply:Bella Fiore - sounds classy AND beautiful! Grazi!
Reply:Bella Fiore
Reply:I agree with michael g

The first name is very pretty!

#2 is too much too long and too many words

#3 just makes me chuckle
Reply:Ba-da BLOOM! That's creative!
Reply:I also like Bella Fiore. It sounds pretty and upscale.
Reply:The first

#2 is too long a name

#3 sounds kinda ghetto
Reply:i like bella fiore
Reply:flower of love (FOL)
