Do your homework first to be sure that there is a calling for that type of business in your area. Do you have an area picked out to rent space or have a building to use on your property and then have to make sure you can start a business on it thru the zoning board in your area. Decide how much money you have to put into it to start, check out wholesale places for flowers - you might talk to some flower shops in another city - they are always willing to talk about how they got into business and where to make contacts. It takes a lot of homework and leg work to research prices and exactly what you want and the scale you want to start on. Start out small and build it up . I use to raise and sell plants out of my home and had people calling about insects and all kinds of questions. I bought books and studied up and really started building a clientele that way but in my case I ended up moving and never did open one but I had really thought about it. It is exciting and you can do it with a lot of work and dedication! Decide what you have to charge according to what you have paid for flowers and plants so that you make a little profit to start and the better you get and more people you get buying flowers then you can increase inventory and prices.
How can someone start up a flower shop?
Ask somebody in that line of business.